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Land for Wildlife & Garden for Wildlife
Land for Wildlife & Garden for Wildlife
Land for Wildlife & Garden for Wildlife
- LfWNewsletter-Nov20 [PDF 3 MB]In this issue: meet more new members of Garden for Wildlife and learn about their local gardening experiences; Species in Focus - the Red Kangaroo; 'Days Gone By', early attempts of Rabbit management; 'Our Usual': the quiz, interesting links and how to donate to (y)our program
- LfWNewsletter-Sept20 [PDF 3 MB]In this issue: new members galore; are you 'fire ready'?; Genera of the month - Prickly Wattles; Quiz Q&A, and more...
- LfWNewsletter-July20 [PDF 2 MB]In This Issue: NEW TO MEMBERS - native plants for purchase; In Kathryn's Sacred Garden; New LfW members increase habitat areas on private land in Ilparpa; Solutions for Managing Rabbits; Ilparpa Claypan Buffel Busting; Backyard Bounty Among the Natives; Words from Marilyn; Letters to the Coordinator; Species of the Month; Habitat Quiz Q&A
- LfWNewsletter-May20 [PDF 1 MB]In this issue: Our newest GfW member; Backyard Barnyards; Species of the Month; Latest update on saving the KI Dunnart...and your usual favourites, photos from the Centre; The Quiz and From the Coordinators
- LfWNewsletter-February20 [PDF 1 MB]Response of desert ecosystems to rainfall; growing and harvesting native grasses; Kangaroo Island Land for Wildlife & feral cats: updates on activities and implications following the recent fires;The Quiz Q&As... and our brand new section ‘START WHERE YOU ARE'
Land for Wildlife & Garden for Wildlife
- LfWNewsletter-December19 [PDF 1 MB]Our newest LfW & GfW members; Biodiversity matters; A weed in profile: Couch; Hung up on Hakeas; Ecocide and rights of nature; Are you firebreak ready?; Firebreak requirements and regulators; December Habitat Quiz; A selection of CA native grasses; October Quiz Answers
- LfWNewsletter-October19 [PDF 809 KB]Aritcles include: A plea from the Land for Wildlife Coordinators; Xeriscaping for a desert-friendly garden; Bats eavesdrop to indicate mealtime!; Rakali 1 - Cane Toads 0; Meet our newest Garden for Wildlife member... and more of the regulars that you love
- LfWNewsletter-August19 [PDF 1,023 KB]Where has all the soil gone? Emails to the Coordinator; Habitat Quiz; Eremophila - a desert lover; Help Land for Wildlife with personal advocacy; its not the sound of the bark that matters; Original LfW Coordinator visits Alice
- LfWNewsletter-Jun19 [PDF 2 MB]Whats in a rainwater tank?; The Ins & Outs of water harvesting; Snippet from Significant Trees; FrogID results from the first year; Take part in an online volunteer survey; How to manage invasive plants when you don't have the time; Habitat Quiz Q & A; The need for seed
- LfWNewsletter-May19 [PDF 1 MB]Meet our newest ‘Garden for Wildlifers’Mass extinction of insects is occurring right nowSnippet from Significant Tree RegisterNatural Soil Erosion ManagementFeral cat eradication: tried, tested and true in the NT!Kangaroo Island Felixer™ trialsWorld Migratory Bird Day Habitat Q&A
- LfWNewsletter-April19 [PDF 1 MB]Fungi Fun for Everyone; Happy 12th Birthday Garden for Wildlife; A Snippet from Significant Trees; How to Rescue Incapacitated Wildlife Safely; The Desert Frog Story; The benefits to homeowners who provide habitat for birds; Something to do instead of the Sudoku; Habitat Quiz Q&A
- LfWNewsletter-February2019 [PDF 921 KB]Local trappers record amazing success!!; Camouflage; Meet our newest Land for Wildlifers; Looking after habitat gardens during extended dry periods; The Habitat Quiz (Q&A)
Land for Wildlife & Garden for Wildlife
- December 2018 Newsletter [PDF 1 MB]Secret Life of Weaving Spiders, Bilbies in the Piliga, A red gem found on a LfW property, Where the lights shine bright(-est), Hildegardia: A Significant Tree profile, No White Xmas for Alice, The New LFW Quiz
- November 2018 Newsletter [PDF 2 MB]The Land for Wildlife Program, 2018 TNRM Awards: Winners Announced, Ant Antics, Red Mulga Lerp, Bilby Surveys Show Populations Steady (For Now), 2018 TNRM Awards: Tjuwanpa Women Rangers Take Another One Home, Unusual Raptor Deaths in Alice Springs, Wildlife Watching in the East
- October 2018 Newsletter [PDF 4 MB]Bearded Dragons on the Move, Mulga Ants, Did You Know (These Interesting Ant Facts)?, Big-headed Ants, What's for Dinner Mum?, A Snippet from Significant Trees, Bad News for Bee-eaters, STR Officer Leaving
- September 2018 Newsletter [PDF 2 MB]Introducing the New Land for Wildlife Coordinator, A Snippet From Significant Trees » Boab (Adansonia gregorii), Dormancy Schmormancy
- August 2018 Newsletter [PDF 2 MB]Farewell from the Team, Seeking a Land for Wildlife Coordinator, Fact Sheet Upgrades, Ecological Observations, Goodbye, my Kindred Spirit, Land for Wildlife at the DesertSmart EcoFair
- July 2018 Newsletter [PDF 2 MB]The Land for Wildlife Program at a Glance, NT Register of Significant Trees Online Register Launch, A Snippet From Significant Trees » Ankerre Ankerre, Mistletoe Seed Dispersal, Social Media Recap
- June 2018 Newsletter [PDF 1 MB]Ecological Consulting News, A Snippet From Significant Trees » Lemon-scented Gum
- May 2018 Newsletter [PDF 3 MB]Land for Wildlife Out and About, A Snippet From Significant Trees: Tietkens Tree, New Land for Wildlife Member: Peter Latz and Cyd Holden, Intertexta Forest Under Fire, Birds of Central Australia, A Buffel Grass Story, The Use of Flupropanate for the Management of Buffel Grass, Property Profile: Olive Pink Botanic Garden
- April 2018 Newsletter [PDF 2 MB]Biodiversity Survey with the Tjuwanpa Women Rangers, Barking Curiosities, A Snippet From Significant Trees, Significant Trees Walking Tour, APS Plant Sale
- March 2018 Newsletter [PDF 2 MB]Website Upgrade Has Land for Wildlife Looking Flash!, A Snippet From Significant Trees, Spidentify the Arachnids in Your Garden or Home, Erodium Are Fun... Hear Us Out!, South American Wildlife Escapades, Traps On Loan
- January 2018 Newsletter [PDF 2 MB]Bush Foods: Vegetation Type 17, Bagworm Moths / Case Moths: A Case of Invertebrate Fever over the Psychidae, A Roadside Treat of a Different Kind, A Snippet From Significant Trees NT, Bird Bath Biodiversity Survey Videos, Grasshoppers
- February 2018 Newsletter [PDF 2 MB]A Snippet From Significant Trees, Cassia (Senna) in Central Australia, Sexual Dimorphism in Birds
Land for Wildlife & Garden for Wildlife
- November 2017 Newsletter [PDF 2 MB]Land for Wildlife and Garden for Wildlife take out Fairfax Landcare Community Group Award at the NT Landcare Awards, Seed Collection in Central Australia, Pollinators are the Bees Knees, Bird Bath Biodiversity Survey, Mist Netting and Bird Banding Workshop
- July 2017 Newsletter [PDF 2 MB]Cat Owners Feline Fine About Domestic Cat Monitoring and Awareness in Alice Springs Results, National Tree Day Festivities, Save Our Trees: Reduce Buffel Call 000 Collaborate, The Impact of Wildfire in Central Australia, Fire Break Regulations, Backyard Barnyards, Lygaeid’s Common in Central Oz
- May 2017 Newsletter [PDF 2 MB]Significant Trees Register Goes Online, Slater’s Skink – a Lesser-known Central Australian Resident, Domestic Cat Monitoring and Awareness Wrapping Up, Des Nelson Unplugged, The Structure and Insulation of Avian Nests, Feral Animal Trapping Services, A Bundle to Carry, Alice Springs Junior Ranger Program, Community Engagement Materials Updated, Guess the Poo Competition Winner
- March 2017 Newsletter [PDF 2 MB]World Wildlife Day Nature Journal Competition, Register of Significant Trees, Biodiversity Matters: Buffel Busters Tour, A Selection of Grasses from Central Australia, Book Launch: Reptiles and Frogs of Alice Springs, Bird Spotting: Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater
- February 2017 Newsletter [PDF 3 MB]Frog Frenzy for World Wetlands Day, Biodiversity Matters: Buffel Busters Tour of Alice Springs, Domestic Cat Monitoring and Awareness Round 2, Discovery Circle Cat Tracker in South Australia, Arthropod Populations Swelling Following Rain, Stinkhorn Update, Member Photos, In The Garden, Snakes Taking a Dip, Reptiles and Frogs of Alice Springs Book Launch
- January 2017 Newsletter [PDF 3 MB]Summer Rains Bringing Life to the Alice, Stinkhorn Bringing in the Crowds, Conservation and Land Management/Horticulture Courses in 2017, Wood Borer, Variegated Fairy Wren, A Colourful Tale (& Tail) of a Skink on the Prowl, Website Updates, New Viruses Offer Hope for Improved Rabbit Biocontrol, FeralScan, Back Roads at Hermannsburg / Ntaria, Low Ecological Services Field Trip to the Tanami, Cat Monitoring and Awareness, Feral Cats in the Media, Cacti Disposal, Biodiversity Matters: Buffel Busters Tour, Land for Wildlife Calendar, Reference Books, Land for Wildlife Turns 15
- April 2017 Newsletter [PDF 2 MB]Plant Scent: What’s that Smell?, Plant Stowaways in Camel Harness, Newhaven Begins the World’s Largest Feral Cat Eradication Project
- August 2017 Newsletter [PDF 3 MB]Domestic Cat Purrr-ticipants Receive Results, Land for Wildlife Birthday Event, DesertSmart EcoFair: Schools Day Workshops, EcoFair Significant Trees Walking Tour, Property Profile: Bruce and Meg Simmons
- September 2017 Newsletter [PDF 3 MB]Happy Birthday Land For Wildlife and Garden for Wildlife Landholders!, Building Bat Boxes, Brumby Horse Run Wild, Land for Wildlife and Garden for Wildlife Central Australia: Celebrating 15 years of Wildlife Habitat Preservation, Enhancement and Restoration, NT Register of Significant Trees: Seeking Committee Members, Fire in the Todd, Threatened Species Day Cake Auction
- October 2017 Newsletter [PDF 2 MB]National Bird Week Activities, Property Planning for Wildlife, NT Landcare Awards, Pruning Grevilleas, Vegetation Types and Land Units
- December 2017 Newsletter [PDF 2 MB]Super Fun Happy Snaps, Mistletoe in Central Australia, New Members, FrogID App, An Unlikely Visitor
Land for Wildlife & Garden for Wildlife
- October / November 2016 Newsletter [PDF 3 MB]Land for Wildlife and Garden for Wildlife: Best Urban NRM Group, Hot Tips for Hot Plants, Reptile Spotting, Cat Monitoring and Awareness Round 2, Batchelor Institute Cat Trapping Workshop, Parks and Wildlife NT Lorikeet Survey, White Ribbon Day at Ntaria, Bird Breeding Bonanza, The Last of Spring, Bird Survey at the Sewerage Ponds, OPBG Green Army Graduation, Green Army Trapping Workshop, Significant Tree Register to Get a Facelift.
- September 2016 Newsletter [PDF 2 MB]A Month for Considering the World Around Us, National Threatened Species Day, Up Close and Personal with Insect Mouthparts, Video: Red-capped Robin, Get Gardening in October!, Bee-Eaters are Back in the Burbs, Air Bee n Bee: Creating Hotels for Native Pollinators, Fighting Feral Cats, Feedback: Creating a Freshwater Ecosystem.
- August 2016 Newsletter [PDF 3 MB]The Changing Seasons: Winter to Spring, desertSMART EcoFair, Nesting White-Plumed Honeyeaters, Ten Deserts, LFW on YouTube: Rufous Whistler, Ntaria Junior Rangers: Camp at Palm Valley, Pool Conversion: Creating a Freshwater Ecosystem, Domestic Cat Monitoring and Awareness in Alice Springs, New Central Australian Flora Brochure. New Members: Lewis, Van der Geest-Hester, Mitchell, O'Connor, Brown, Smit, Hetherington, Eather.
- June 2016 Newsletter [PDF 5 MB]Galahs in Ciccone, Channel-billed Cuckoo, Ntaria Junior Ranger Workshops, Green Army: Feral Animal Trapping Workshop, Domestic Cat Monitoring and Awareness Program Continues, Hailstorm Hits Alice Springs: Post-damage Gardening Tips, Foxes in Central Australia, Alice Springs Community Garden. Member Update: Schultz, Atkin. New Members: Joseland, Heenan and Appleby.
- April 2016 NewsletterChat about Cats, Farewell Tim, Welcome Caragh, Blue Periwinkle, Red-chested Button Quails, Red-backed Kingfisher, Striped Skink, Miniature Lives / The Outside Sneaking Inside, Feral Scan Pest Mapping. New Members: Jacko.
- February 2016 NewsletterGreen Army at OPBG, Dog Traps, Land for Wildlife Coordinator, Wildcare Inc Wildlife Release Sites, Member Walks, Plant Identification, Buffel Grass Management Survey, Native Birds and Removal of Spotted Turtle Doves, Frogs of Australia.
- March 2016 NewsletterCat DNA Samples, Tree Hollows, Buffel Control, Coffee Grounds on our Gardens, Shorebird Count at the Ponds, River red gum, White-plumed honeyeater nest, Western Arranta Plants. New Members: Brittain.
- May 2016 Newsletter [PDF 3 MB]Native Plant Sale at OPBG, LfW on Instagram, Art Competition, Ntaria Junior Rangers Update, Cat Trapping Tips and Tricks, Domestic Cat Responsible Ownership, Red-tailed Black Cockatoos, Vegetation Types. New Members: Day
- July 2016 Newsletter [PDF 5 MB]Alice Springs Show, Feather Map of Australia, Frosty Mornings at LFW, Mulga Parrots, Australian Bird Feeding and Watering Study, Crested Bellbird, Poisonous Plants and Pesky Pollen Problems, Green Army: Rabbit Control, Buffel Grass Bashing – A Rewarding Addiction!, Domestic Cat Monitoring and Awareness in Alice Springs, Feral Cat Survey to Support the Threatened Species Strategy, Green Army: OPBG Cat Trap Turns Up An Unusual Visitor, Domestic Cat Monitoring Nationwide, Growing Demand for Local Bush Regeneration Handbook.
- December 2016 Newsletter [PDF 1 MB]Birdlife Central Australia Shorebirds Survey at the Stabilisation Ponds, Wildlife and Water, Reptiles and Frogs of Alice Springs, Land for Wildlife on YouTube
Land for Wildlife & Garden for Wildlife
- November 2015 NewsletterSpring Activity, Domestic Cat Monitoring Update, What's On?, Rabbits Update, Over-watering Gardens, Biodiversity Matters Workshop.
- January 2015 NewsletterSoil, Extensive Centralian Butterfly and Moth Collection, Habitat and Structural Diversity.
- February 2015 NewsletterCicadas, Rains Termites and Frogs, Fire, Getting Invaded? Big-headed Ants. New Members: Alice Springs Community Garden.
- March 2015 NewsletterDesert Metamorphosis, To Feed or Not to Feed, Biochar, Yeperenye Caterpillars of the Hawk Moth, Processionary Caterpillars, Bowerbird.
- April 2015 NewsletterKorprillya Springs Field Trip, Playful Perenties at the Purdie's Property, Responsible Cat Owner Tips, OPBG Huge Plant Sale, FeralScan Pest Mapping.
- May 2015 NewsletterFocused Feral Cat Monitoring and Awareness Project, Point of Erosion at a LFW Property in Ilparpa, Central Australian Flora, Australasian Bat Night. New Members: Leonard.
- June 2015 NewsletterJunior Rangers Scat Detective Workshop, Who Is Visiting Your Block, Spot the Difference: Buffel Clearance, Feel Like Being Inspired? LFW Extending to Tennant Creek, GPS on Domestic Cats, Where is the Bilby?
- July 2015 NewsletterGreat Desert Skink / Tjakura, Spotted Turtle-dove Trap Making Workshop, CSIRO Moth Identification Resource. New Members: Leane.
- August 2015 NewsletterDomestic Cat Monitoring and Awareness Funding, Outing Observations at Peter Latz's Bush Block, Ntaria Junior Rangers, Moth of the Month, Alice Springs Show 2015. New Members: Fairbairn.
- September 2015 NewsletterSchool of Ants, Bushfires: Are You Ready? Habitat Structure at the DesertSmart EcoFair, Australian Moths Online Resource, Insect Orders.
- December 2015 NewsletterWildcare Inc Wildlife Release Sites, Leaving Town Reminder, New Member Signage, Cat Monitoring Update, Adaptations of Arid Plants, Greywater System, TNRM Conference Award.
Land for Wildlife & Garden for Wildlife
- January 2014 NewsletterFoxes and Cats: Ferals on the Loose, Goannas - When the Eye is Bigger Than the Stomach, What Frog is That?
- February 2014 NewsletterTadpoles and Clear Water: Kuprilya Springs, Multi-coloured Bunnies - Not a Good Sign For Revegetation on Your Block, Desert Land Snails: Exciting Life in the Slow Lane
- March 2014 NewsletterNtaria Junior Rangers Campout, What Is It? A Sticky Identification Conundrum
- April 2014 NewsletterFox Workshop at Olive Pink Botanic Gardens, Of Little Crows and Big Cuckoos
- May 2014 NewsletterStriped Skinks in Alice Springs, Cats and Fixes and Cameras in Boxes
- June 2014 NewsletterFlowers: Wild Colours of the Red Centre, Cold Weather Snakes, Stop Press - Skink Revision!
- October 2014 NewsletterTNRM Grant: Cat and Fox Trapping, John Young: Rediscovering the Night Parrot, Just What Have You Been Feeding Your Geckoes Dave?, Spotted Doves, Peter Latz Helping His Desert Come Back, A Little Finch A Long Way From Home.
- November 2014 NewsletterA Funding Win for Wildlife: Alice Springs Wildcare Receives Animal Welfare Fund Grant, Join the Club, Bats: the Hidden Mammal Diversity in Your Backyard.
- December 2014 NewsletterTNRM Conference Highlights, Water, Alice Springs Feral Bird Count, White Ribbon Day: A March Against Violence at Ntaria, Feel the Squeeze: Pythons of the Red Centre, A Boobook Bad Hair Day.
Land for Wildlife & Garden for Wildlife
- January 2013 NewsletterTwas The Night(jar) Before Christmas?, What's So Significant About Trees?, The Rainbow Connection
- March 2013 NewsletterSignificant Trees Update, Wildlife Profile: Garden Skinks in Alice Springs, Photo Essay: Eucalypts in Blossom, Photo Competition
- February 2013 NewsletterWildlife Profile: Stimson's Python Antaresia stimsoni, Mice On The Move, Photo Competition
- April 2013 NewsletterAda's Cat Enclosure, Prince of the Ponds, Conservation on Private Land: A Trans-Pacific Perspective
- May / June 2013 NewsletterEremophilas: Wildlife Friendly Desert Lovers for Backyards, How Much Can You Eat?, Ntaria Junior Rangers at Kuprilya Springs, Feral Cats: a Widespread Problem
- July 2013 NewsletterThe Night Parrot Revealed, Ross River Homestead Cat Trapping, Feralscan Pest Animals Phone App, Photo Competition
- August 2013 NewsletterMothpocalypse, Cats, Cats, Cats, Weedy Cylindropuntia cacti in Alice Springs, Have You Seen a Fox Around Alice Springs?, Spring Begins to Bloom
- September 2013 NewsletterThe Frequent Flyers Club (Birds at the Sewerage Ponds), News From Around the States
- October 2013 NewsletterThere be Dragons!, Euros- A Roo by Another Name, Land for Wildlife meets Tim Faulkner's Wild Life
- December 2013 NewsletterUwe's Land for Wildlife Research (Butterfly Discovery), Mistletoe, What Am I?, Another Mystery Solved by Camera Traps, A Year of Wildlife in Pictures and Numbers, Yellow-faced Whipsnake, Spider Wasps When the Hunters Become the Hunted, Birds of Australia - Pizzey and Knight Digital Edition
Significant Trees
- February 2013 NewsletterSignificant Tree News February 2013
- March 2013 NewsletterSignificant Tree News March 2013
- April 2013 NewsletterSignificant Tree News April 2013
Land for Wildlife & Garden for Wildlife
- September 2012 Newsletter [PDF 1 MB]Australia: A Land for Wildlife, Feeding Wildlife: a Chance to Participate in Important Wildlife Research, The Meaning of Feeding, Feral Spotted Dove Monitoring and Trapping, Rabbit Control Project Progress
- October 2012 Newsletter [PDF 1 MB]Nesting Birds Around Alice Springs, A Reminder About Feral Baiting Programs, Water Efficiency Audits, Spotted Turtle Dove Control Program, Cat Traps
- November 2012 Newsletter [PDF 1 MB]My Favourite Tree ( the Moment), Monitoring for Conservation
- December 2012 NewsletterFauna Atlassing 101, December's Golden Drummers, Mexican Poppy Takes Hold, Photo Competition
- January 2012 Newsletter [PDF 2 MB]Visit Postponed, 10 Years in the Alice, Territory NRM Community Action Grants, Mystery Skull Baffles the Land for Wildlife Office, Revealing the Mysteries of the Night, Ants to Look Out For
- February 2012 Newsletter [PDF 1 MB]Coordinators Invited to National Conference, It’s Official! Ayers Rock Yulara Resort Joins The Family, Managing Australia’s Feral Camels, Mozzie Control in the Backyard Pond
- March 2012 Newsletter [PDF 8 MB]Ntaria School Welcomes Land For Wildlife, Land for Wildlife 30th Anniversary National Conference, Farewell to the Albrechts – Land for Wildlife Stalwarts and Local Identities, Brown Snakes in Alice Springs, Is it a Stone? Is it a Shoe? No... it’s a Spotted Nightjar, Pie Dish Beetle, Sightings From Uwe, Ripley’s Believe It or Not!
- April 2012 Newsletter [PDF 850 KB]Forest & Bird Visits The Alice, The Land for Wildlife Bird Counter, Central Australian Bats with Dennis Matthews, More Pie Dish Stories, Bloomin’ Eucalypts, Black House Spider, Buffel Free Zone - Short Term Pain for Long Term Gain!
- May 2012 Newsletter [PDF 974 KB]Red Centre Dunnarts – Confusing Carnivores in Miniature, Grey Plover in the Caribbean: A Land for Wildlife Special Report, Barking Spiders, Processionary Caterpillars, Publishing Opportunity – Call for Contributions to the Northern Territory Naturalist, Beardy Rescue!
- June 2012 Newsletter [PDF 1 MB]Toxoplasmosis in Wildlife, Remote Camera Traps, Princess Parrots
- August 2012 Newsletter [PDF 613 KB]LFW at the DesertSmart EcoFair
- July 2012 Newsletter [PDF 2 MB]Australia: A Land for Wildlife, Feeding Wildlife: a Chance to Participate in Important Wildlife Research, The Meaning of Feeding, Feral Spotted Dove Monitoring and Trapping, Rabbit Control Project Progress
Land for Wildlife
- October 2011 Newsletter [PDF 1 MB]Hung up on Hakeas, Rain Brings out the Snails in Time for Biodiversity Surveys, Biodiversity Surveys, Landcare Awards, TNRM Forum
- January 2011 Newsletter [PDF 1 MB]The Lasting Effects of Big Rains - What it all Means to us, our Gardens and Wildlife, Threatened Species Profile: Black-footed Rock Wallaby, Rain Can Lead to Big Fires – Protect Your Trees!, Calici Virus, Soil Erosion
- February 2011 Newsletter [PDF 1 MB]New Ferals on the March, Erosion Protection For Your Garden, Feral House Mice, Noogoora Burr, Making a Spotted Turtle-dove Trap
- March 2011 Newsletter [PDF 2 MB]Blue is in this Month: Bluebells, Butterflies, Kingfishers, and Bluetongues, Spotted Turtle Dove Trap Making
- April 2011 Newsletter [PDF 1 MB]Land for Wildlife Travels to Alcoota School, Ironwoods germinating for the first time since 1974, Long-haired Rats Arrive in Alice after a 25 Year Absence
- May 2011 Newsletter [PDF 650 KB]Conducting Bird Surveys on Your Property, Snakes in Your Garden, Feral Dog Trapping Project
- June 2011 Newsletter [PDF 999 KB]Land for Wildlife: A National Overview, Conservation Covenants, Ferals and Vagrants: Feral Doves May Be the Least of Our Worries
- July 2011 Newsletter [PDF 1 MB]Rock Wallaby Project Winds to a Close, Land for Wildlife Expands, Garden for Wildlife – Melaleuca Awards, Junior Rangers Trap Making, Black-footed Rock Wallaby Habitat, Predators on the Porch, Prepare Now for Summer Fires, NRM Bi-Monthly Meetings, Land for Wildlife Annual Biodiversity Survey
- August 2011 Newsletter [PDF 1 MB]New Resource Management Plan Launched, 2011 Eco Fair, Schools @ the Eco Fair, Biodiversity Surveys, Put Your Fire Breaks in Now!, Confusing Coolabahs, The Changing Status of NT Wildlife – Your Chance to Comment
- September 2011 Newsletter [PDF 983 KB]Ferals and Vagrants: Feral Doves May Be the Least of Our Worries, Significant Trees in Alice Springs – A New Register
Garden for Wildlife
- March 2011 Newsletter [PDF 2 MB]Blue is in this Month: Bluebells, Butterflies, Kingfishers, and Bluetongues, Plant Profile: Spinifex
- July 2011 Newsletter [PDF 1 MB]Predators on the Porch, Native Grasses for Your Garden, Junior Rangers Workshop, Melaleuca Awards, Land for Wildlife Annual Biodiversity Survey
- January 2011 Newsletter [PDF 1 MB]The Lasting Effects of Big Rains - What it all Means to us, our Gardens and Wildlife, Threatened Species Profile: Black-footed Rock Wallaby, Ladybugs: Good for the Garden, Rain Can Lead to Big Fires – Protect Your Trees!, Calici Virus
- February 2011 Newsletter [PDF 2 MB]New Weeds on the March, Wildlife Corridors, Erosion Protection For Your Garden, Feral House Mice, Noogoora Burr, Making a Spotted Turtle-dove Trap
- August 2011 Newsletter [PDF 1 MB]New Resource Management Plan Launched, 2011 Eco Fair, SBiodiversity Surveys, Confusing Coolabahs, The Changing Status of NT Wildlife – Your Chance to Comment
- September 2011 Newsletter [PDF 1 MB]Ferals and Vagrants: Feral Doves May Be the Least of Our Worries, Significant Trees in Alice Springs – A New Register
Land for Wildlife
- July 2010 Newsletter [PDF 1 MB]Rabbits, Sundews, Still Here: Channel-billed Cuckoos, Mexican Poppy (Argemone Mexicana), Counting our Stilts Before they Hatch: Banded Stilts Breeding at Lake Eyre
- August 2010 Newsletter [PDF 1 MB]Making Windows Safe for Birds Competition Winner, Boom and Bust, Soil Conservation Notes: Cryptogams (Soil Crusts), Dying Desert Fish, Princess Parrot Sightings
- February 2010 Newsletter [PDF 3 MB]Australia's Native Vegetation Framework, Spiders: Hunting the Hunters!, Rain, Ground Cuckoo-shrikes, Frogs, Signs of a Creature No Longer With Us, What Land for Wildlife/Garden for Wildlife Members Saw in the Rain, Trap Making for the Feral Spotted Turtle-dove
- April 2010 Newsletter [PDF 1 MB]Orthopteran Overdose?!, Fungi, Masked Woodswallows, A Special Visitor to the Poo Ponds: Banded Stilt, New Growth – What is it?, Rainwater Tank Rebate NT, DesertSMART COOLmob & Waterwise Rebates, Wild NT - Short Film Competition, Can you Help the ‘Kangaroo Sanctuary’?
- May 2010 Newsletter [PDF 2 MB]Snout-nosed Moth Caterpillar, Grass Profiles, Pest Profile: Big-Headed Ants, Fishkiller Bug, Making Windows Safe for Birds Competition
- June 2010 Newsletter [PDF 2 MB]Soil Erosion, The Bowerbird Mystery, Making Windows Safe for Birds Competition, Alice Springs Landcare Inc (Boxing Glove Cactus)
- September 2010 Newsletter [PDF 675 KB]Watch Out For Dragons in October, Garden Spring Cleaning, Garden Weeds – Prickly Lettuce (Lactuca serriola), Spring Wildflower Guide
- October 2010 Newsletter [PDF 2 MB]Dead as a Dunnart!, Life After Buffel, Spring Chickens, Spencer’s Burrowing Frog, Mexican Poppy Alert
- November 2010 Newsletter [PDF 2 MB]Get in quick- Pindone, 2010 Biodiversity Surveys, The Red Chested Button Quail, Wolf Spiders - Silent Hunters of the Night, Alcoota School Workshop, Bird Field Guide Sale, Reptile and Insect Season, Calici Virus
Garden for Wildlife
- November 2010 Newsletter [PDF 2 MB]2010 Biodiversity Surveys, The Red Chested Button Quail, Wolf Spiders - Silent Hunters of the Night, Alcoota School Workshop
- July 2010 Newsletter [PDF 1 MB]Sundews, Still Here: Channel-billed Cuckoos, Mexican Poppy (Argemone Mexicana)
- August 2010 Newsletter [PDF 2 MB]Making Windows Safe for Birds Competition Winner, Boom and Bust, Soil Conservation Notes: Cryptogams (Soil Crusts), Dying Desert Fish, Princess Parrot Sightings
- September 2010 Newsletter [PDF 639 KB]Watch Out For Dragons in October, Spring Cleaning Your Garden, Garden Weeds – Prickly Lettuce (Lactuca serriola)
- October 2010 Newsletter [PDF 1 MB]Dead as a Dunnart!, Life After Buffel, Spring Chickens
- January 2010 Newsletter [PDF 1 MB]Rain!, Ground Cuckoo-Shrikes, What Garden for Wildlife/Land for Wildlife Members Have Seen in the Rain
- February 2010 Newsletter [PDF 1 MB]Signs of a Creature No Longer With Us, Trap Making for the Feral Spotted Turtle-dove
- March 2010 Newsletter [PDF 2 MB]Orthopteran Overdose?!, A Special Visitor to the Poo Ponds: Banded Stilt (Cladorhynchus leucocephalus), Masked Woodswallows
- April 2010 Newsletter [PDF 1 MB]Grass Profiles, Snout-nosed Moth Caterpillar
- May 2010 Newsletter [PDF 1 MB]Pest Profile: Big-Headed Ants
- June 2010 Newsletter [PDF 2 MB]Soil Erosion, The Bowerbird Mystery, Alice Springs Landcare Inc.
Land for Wildlife
- March 2009 Newsletter [PDF 4 MB]Planning Transformation, Chemical Use on Your Block, Big-Headed Ants, Gardens Challenge Workshop, Upcoming Insect Identification Workshop
- June 2009 Newsletter [PDF 3 MB]Insect Identification Workshop, Garden for Wildlife Two Year Anniversary, The Importance of Natural Tree Hollows, Big Headed Ants: Some Observations, Birds You May See in your Gardens Over Winter, Fungi Fervour, Ross River Resort
- September 2009 Newsletter [PDF 1 MB]Bare Earth to Biodiversity, Making a Spotted Turtle-dove Funnel Trap, Butterfly Gardens, Property Profile - Landcare Achievements
- December 2009 Newsletter [PDF 1 MB]The Importance of Local Provenance, Channel-billed Cuckoos, Weed Profile: Fountain Grass, Photos from the Tanami, Making a Spotted Turtle-dove Trap
Garden for Wildlife
- August 2009 Newsletter [PDF 824 KB]Butterfly Gardens
- January 2009 Newsletter [PDF 2 MB]Planning Transformation
- February 2009 Newsletter [PDF 3 MB]Big-headed Ants
- March 2009 Newsletter [PDF 190 KB]Chemical Use in Your Garden for Wildlife
- April 2009 Newsletter [PDF 32 KB]Fungi Fervour
- May 2009 Newsletter [PDF 203 KB]Cat: Companion or Killer?
- June 2009 Newsletter [PDF 507 KB]Birds You May See in Your Garden Over Winter
- July 2009 Newsletter [PDF 654 KB]Making a Spotted Turtle-dove Funnel Trap
- September 2009 Newsletter [PDF 1,004 KB]Landcare Achievements
- November 2009 Newsletter [PDF 431 KB]The Importance of Local Provenance
- December 2009 Newsletter [PDF 897 KB]Channel-billed Cuckoos, Weed Profile: Fountain Grass
Land for Wildlife
- February 2008 Newsletter [PDF 2 MB]MacDonnell Ranges Hotspots Programme, A Pilot Biodiversity Study aimed at enhancing Land for Wildlife member’s knowledge in property self assessment methods, Katydids, Australian Desert Ants, Writing a Weed and Landscape Management Plan Workshop, Great Turnout at the December 07 Bat Workshop
- June 2008 Newsletter [PDF 1 MB]Green Corps, Collecting and Propagating Seeds of Mulga and Witchetty Bush, Jessie Our ‘enviro-Cat’, Termites in your Garden… ‘Friend or Foe’?, LfW in Other States, Workshop: Erosion, Wildcare Workshop
- September 2008 Newsletter [PDF 964 KB]Property Profile, Wildlife Corridors, Sclerolaena, Couch...? One Success Story, Pest Problems? White Oil, Fauna Profile: Processionary Caterpillars, "Drought" Pipes, Alice Springs Show, Rethinking Waste in Schools, Habitat Creation: Natural regeneration, Seed Collection and Propagation
- December 2008 Newsletter [PDF 977 KB]Biodiversity Surveys, Lerp Insects, Trees Under Stress, Why are There so Many Species of Goanna in Australia?, Habitat Creation: Natural Regeneration, Seed Collection and Propagation, Bird Identification Workshop
Garden for Wildlife
- February 2008 Newsletter [PDF 64 KB]Australian Desert Ants: Melophorus bagoti
- March 2008 Newsletter [PDF 294 KB]Katydids
- April 2008 Newsletter [PDF 108 KB]Collecting and Propagating Seeds of Mulga and Witchetty Bush
- May 2008 Newsletter [PDF 200 KB]Jessie, our ‘Enviro-Cat’
- June 2008 Newsletter [PDF 254 KB]Termites in your Garden... ‘Friend or Foe’?
- July 2008 Newsletter [PDF 349 KB]Couch...? One Success Story
- August 2008 Newsletter [PDF 2 MB]Sclerolaena
- September 2008 Newsletter [PDF 1 MB]Lerp Insects
- October 2008 Newsletter [PDF 206 KB]Trees Under Stress
- November 2008 Newsletter [PDF 170 KB]Wildlife Corridors
- December 2008 Newsletter [PDF 914 KB]What's This Seedling?
Land for Wildlife
- February 2007 Newsletter [PDF 582 KB]Bat Night Highlights!, Weed and Landscape Management Workshop!, Rains are Welcome…. but not the Weeds!, Rabbit Calicivirus Release Update, Bush Detective: What Frog creates that croak?, Why do Mulga Ants shape their nest entrance in a funnel shape?, Red Kangaroos, Euros & Black-footed Rock Wallabies!, Wildlife Calendar
- June 2007 Newsletter [PDF 2 MB]Property Profile, “Shrubbery” Observations By Tim Collins from Alice Springs Desert Park and the Australian Plant Society, Garden for Wildlife Workshop Big Headed Ants (BHA), Biodiversity in Soils and Leaf litter, Alice Springs gains Number 1 Water Consumption Status, Protecting our Wildlife: Responsible Pet Ownership, The Importance of Private Land for Wildlife Conservation, Bush Detective: Golden Orb Spider, Seed Eaters Make the Most of the “Boom Time”
- November 2007 Newsletter [PDF 3 MB]Landcare Carbonsmart Nature Conservation Merit Award Winners!, Workshops National Tree Day, Bats, Weed and Landscape Management Plan Workshop, Sweet Kisses, Eternal Life – Mistletoe in Alice Springs, Junior Rangers, Development of genetic resistance to Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease in wild rabbits Oryctolagus cuniculus, Cryptogams (soil crusts) What are they?
Garden for Wildlife
- May 2007 Newsletter [PDF 2 MB]Sponsorship News, Weed Profile: Couch Grass, Spotted Turtle-doves
- June 2007 Newsletter [PDF 309 KB]Tar Vine - Boerhavia coccinea, Big Headed Ant Workshop
- July 2007 Newsletter [PDF 268 KB]Rubble, Reptiles and Realisation
- August 2007 Newsletter [PDF 439 KB]Where Does Our Water Come From?
- October 2007 Newsletter [PDF 496 KB]Creating a Bird Friendly Garden, Waterwise Garden Workshop
- November 2007 Newsletter [PDF 208 KB]Golden Orb Spider (Nephila species), Bats, Bats, Bats
- December 2007 Newsletter [PDF 315 KB]Sweet Kisses, Eternal Life – Mistletoe in Alice Springs, Bat Information Session
Land for Wildlife
- January 2006 Newsletter [PDF 3 MB]Fauna profile: Red-tailed Black Cockatoo, Flora Profile, Weed Profile - Couch, Bush Detective: Case Moths, Feral Cat control, Spotted Turtle-doves, Ants driving you crazy?, Young LfW'er Competition, Does Roundup kill frogs?, Wiilldlliiffe Callendar
- June 2006 Newsletter [PDF 970 KB]Eco-friendly Planter Tube, Weed profile –Wild turnip, Rabbits, Big Headed Ants in Ilparpa, Young LfW'er, Bush Detective: Echidna Diggings
Land for Wildlife
Land for Wildlife
- February 2004 Newsletter [PDF 442 KB]Watch Out For Snakes this Summer, Yellow-Faced Whip Snake, Spotlight On Land for Wildlife across Australia, Millions of Oriental Pratincoles amass near Broome, Birds on Farms – habitat management to increase bird diversity
- May 2004 Newsletter [PDF 2 MB]Introducing the Sociable Little Zebra Finch, Buffel Update, Tips on How to ID Those Soaring Birds
- August 2004 Newsletter [PDF 844 KB]Wildflowers, Fire Break Tips, Research on how the Burrowing Frog Stays Toned, Big Headed Ants Invading Behind the Scenes, What's Happening at the Zadow's Place, Bush Tucker on Your Property
- October 2004 Newsletter [PDF 629 KB]A Few Ants to Get You All Excited, Mexican Poppy, The Rainbow Bee Eater, The Lower Todd Landcare Group Inc, What's Happening at the Clark's Place, Biodiversity vs. buffel – the story of a liberated drain!, Ant Workshop
- December 2004 Newsletter [PDF 2 MB]Weeds Weeds Weeds, Thorny Devils and Echidnas
Land for Wildlife
- February 2003 Newsletter [PDF 358 KB]Kapok Bush, Aerva javanica, Tree Frogs of the Alice Region
- April 2003 Newsletter [PDF 747 KB]Alice's most frequently recorded Burrowing Frog, Battling Buffel, Caper White Butterflies, Photo Monitoring Techniques, Buffel Removers Fork Type 1
- June 2003 Newsletter [PDF 531 KB]The Burning Issues, Little Blue Butterfly or Double Spotted Lineblue, Winter Weed Rosy Dock, Smoke on the Horizon, Echidnas
- September 2003 Newsletter [PDF 1 MB]The (A)boreal skink to (Z)ig-zag gecko of local Frogs and Reptiles, Soil Conservation with Col Stanton on the Zadow’s Block, Watch Out For Mossman River Grass, Possum Search Guides, Cats Trapped, Spotlight On Black-footed rock-wallabies – on the hop!, Land Clearing, Buffel Busting Baskets, Wildcare Alice Springs
- November 2003 Newsletter [PDF 685 KB]Watch Out For Caltrop Tribulus terrestris, Bush Tucker, Spotlight On The Beauty of Tree Habitats, Eremophila and Pollinators, Seed Collection, Road Drainage Whoa-Boy Construction