Significant Trees Register

What is the Significant Trees Register?
The NT Register of Significant Trees was conceived in 1982 to coincide with the Australian Year of the Tree. The aim of the register is to create awareness around protecting trees, which are a significant part of the heritage of the Northern Territory.
The register was initiated by the National Trust, who worked with Greening Australia NT to manage and develop the register. Registers were developed for central Australia, Darwin and Katherine. In recent years, Land for Wildlife Central Australia has taken on the responsibility of managing the register. Over the past 35 years the register has received various levels of public interest and publicity. Despite a few pushes to get traction, little is known in local community about the register, which is something we would like to change!
Download our NT Register of Significant Trees brochure
Categories of Significance
Trees are considered for inclusion in the Register on the basis of one or more of the following categories of significance:
Aesthetic | Any tree of outstanding aesthetic quality |
Size | Any tree outstanding for its large height, truck circumference or canopy spread |
Age | Any tree that is particularly old or venerable |
Historical | Any tree commemorating or associated with an important historical event |
Cultural | Any tree associated with a well-known public figure or ethnic group |
Unique Location | Any tree which occurs in a unique location or situation or provides an important contribution to the landscape, including remnant native vegetation, important landmarks, and tree which from part of an historic garden, park or town |
Rare | Any tree that is of a rare species or variety of very localized distribution |
Horticultural Value | Any tree which is of horticultural or genetic value and which could be an important source of propagating stock |
Physical Features | Any tree which exhibits a curious growth form or physical feature including unusually pruned forms |
Group | Any group or avenue of trees conforming to any of the above criteria |
Habitat | Any tree or group of trees making an important contribution as a habitat for particular flora and fauna |
Note: Significant trees may be native, exotic, natural or cultivated. A tree or group of trees may be significant for a variety of reasons such as beauty, age, historical, botanical or ecological interest.
How do I Nominate a Tree?
If there are any trees of significance around town (or even in remote areas) that you think should be on the list, and recognised for their significance, let us know!
Individuals, organisations and government authorities are invited to submit nominations of trees to be considered for inclusion in the Register. If you wish to make a nomination, please fill in the nomination form with as much detail as possible and forward to Land for Wildlife Alice Springs. In particular it is important to describe the location of the tree(s) clearly. A map or diagram showing the location of the trees(s) should be included, as should a slide or photograph of the tree. Do not hesitate to make a nomination if all the information requested is not known. Please use a separate form for each nomination.
By participating in this protect you are contributing to building community awareness of trees and to the protection and maintenance of an important part of our natural and historical heritage.
Download Nomination Form
Email completed forms to or post them to PO Box 3130, Alice Springs NT 0871.
NT Register of Significant Trees Online
Land for Wildlife has been focusing energy on revitalising the Central Australia region of the NT Register of Significant Trees. A lot has changed in the region in the years since the inception of the register in 1982. Several listings have been removed from the register, as they have made way for town development or simply suffered the fate of nature (like fire, hail, old age and white ants). Likewise numerous listings were added in the 90’s when Greening Australia NT was managing the register.
We have brought the information into the digital age by GPS plotting each listing and developing an interactive database. After numerous site visits, sorting through old documents and culling expired listings, Land for Wildlife is excited to announce the Significant Trees Register has now live!
You can take a ‘virtual’ tour of the register via an interactive Google Map below.
For the best viewing experience click the full screen button icon on the top right-hand side of the map. Zoom in and explore! Click the place-markers to read information about the trees and view photos. GPS locations are approximations only. Open the map in a new tab: Significant Trees Register
You can also visit the region summaries and download PDF fact sheets on the registered trees by clicking the respective region tabs at the bottom of this page.
What’s Next?
Stay tuned for more updates to the register – next on the list of tasks is to get an update on the health of the trees in the listing. Currently the Significant Tree Project is unfunded. Land for Wildlife is actively seeking funding to assist with the groundwork costs associated with reassessing trees and getting this information recorded on the database. If you think that funding this project is something that interests you, please contact us.
Do you have information about any of the listings that may help us update our records? Get in touch!
Want More Information?
If you require more information on any of the listings, please don’t hesitate to contact us here at Land for Wildlife Central Australia.
The NT Register of Significant Trees is managed by Land for Wildlife Central Australia, on behalf of the National Trust NT.
The register was initiated by the National Trust NT, with input from Greening Australia NT, and coordination by Land for Wildlife Central Australia since 2011.