We received this invitation today from Domenico Pecorari at the Pitchi Richi Sanctuary. This is a great opportunity for any Land for Wildlife and Garden for Wildlife members to get down to one of Alice Springs’ historical institutions and lend a helping hand.
For those who have never been for a visit, I can guarantee you will be pleasantly surprised at how much there is to learn at this fascinating place.
Hello everyone
The Pitchi Richi sub-committee is holding another of its Working Bees at the Pitchi Richi Sanctuary this Sunday 26th June 2011, from 9.00AM to lunchtime.
Our first two Working Bees were well attended and as a result, the “meeting area” around the bough shelter has been cleared of rubbish, tidied up and is looking good. Many thanks to all involved.
Work is spreading outwards, into the Sanctuary itself, clearing the areas around the statues and pathway to make the place more presentable for the planned Open Day to be held in early August.
Please excuse the short notice but, if you can spare the time, we’d love to see you there, at any time between 9.00 and noon and for as long as you wish to stay.
Domenico Pecorari
Chairman, Heritage Alice Springs Inc.