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LFW – Spreading the Word Further in 2012…

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2012 is rapidly building pace, and Jesse and Chris are looking for new memberships everywhere, but there are two areas we are particularly interested in at the moment. We have received some funding recently from long-time supporter Territory Eco-link, to start helping landholders on indigenous and pastoral lands in central Australia.

These are two types of land tenure that often protect large and continuous tracts of remnant wildlife habitat. Many pastoral and indigenous landholders are natural land managers with a keen eye for conservation, making these lands highly suitable for membership with Land for Wildlife.

This is where the member network comes in. If you have any suggestions for potential member properties or contacts with landholders in these areas, we’d love to hear from you. The first part of this project is going to involve contacting potential new members and then traveling around to do the on-ground assessments. Any assistance from our existing members in locating suitable properties for this exciting new step for Land for Wildlife would be gratefully received.
